a blog with relatively few words, particularly for a girl who speaks many...

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Subic Bay, Philippines: Day 3

On Sunday morning, we awoke and played on the beach for several hours. We took a banana boat ride, swam, visited and ate snacks. Have I mentioned what snack-a-holics Filipinos are? My god, entire days are filled with snacks. Just snacks. And junky food snacks too...pringles, crackers, cookies, dried mango, etc.

It was good fun, though I missed a spot or two with the sunscreen and am paying with some wicked sunburn on my shoulders and backs of my arms. Alas, it was like swimming in a bathtub it was so warm! We were in Subic Bay, which ultimately hooks up with the South China Sea. The drive back to Manila started around 2, and we stopped off at some interesting roadside shops and attractions along the way. After arriving home at 5 or so, I went to lie down for an hour or so at 6:30 p.m. and ended up sleeping until 4 a.m.! Ah, the joys of jet lag.

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