a blog with relatively few words, particularly for a girl who speaks many...

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Fayetteville, Arkansas: Day 7

What a stunning day! Today was just gorgeous - perfect, fall sunshine. We had coffee on the patio and enjoyed the view some more, and then headed into town for lunch with Jill, and then a little bumming around.

At 3:00, we went to the dedication of a piece of outdoor art for a family who died while on vacation in Mexico (one member of whom Jill A. was very close with). They all were very active community members; the father was a sculptor and this sculpture was found, restored and made public art on the newly unveiled 4-mile wooded trail in Fayetteville. The dedication was lovely - Jill and I both almost teared up - clearly these folks were loved by their community and many people in it. The mayor spoke, the arts council director, and various others - also providing a nice sense of the community here.

We then headed off for a yoga class at the Arkansas Yoga Center. It was a nice class, though the teacher spent a way-too-long time on the first batch of warrior type thingys. I did do my first ever handstand (wall-assisted, of course) and we went outside on the grass along the Koi pond to do the final tree and savasana. It was nice, but we both can't wait to get back to the hot room for some Bikram!

Dinner with Jill and Chris followed, and then Jill played with some of Chris' photography lights - and is now hooked on the idea of getting her own. :)

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