a blog with relatively few words, particularly for a girl who speaks many...

Thursday, June 02, 2005

saturn returns

"around 28 & 29, either your issues deal with you or you deal with them. all the stuff you haven't dealt with or the lessons not yet learned come at you in full force. let me tell you, Saturn hit me with its heavenly body and tied me up with its rings..."
this is an excerpt from an old letter i found from someone i once was in love with.

she had just started therapy in her 30th year, when, in astrology-speak, one's "saturn returns."

i liked the imagery of the last sentence. i remember that time for me, a few years after getting this letter, and indeed she summed it up beautifully.

but, now almost 34, i know better. this happens outside of the 30th year, too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fabulous.. this is what I have to look forward to? ;) I think Saturn hits me EVERY day. :D