a blog with relatively few words, particularly for a girl who speaks many...

Friday, July 29, 2005

Seattle Chicken Tour

today i learned that in the city of seattle, one can own up to three chickens. apparently, last weekend was the big "chicken tour" where you could go visit various chickens living in the city. my friend is getting two chickens soon, Fran & Lola. there is apparently a whole chicken-owner subculture i was completely blind to...perhaps that was for the best.


Anonymous said...

we have chickens (roosters) that are down the way from the Bicondo. The funnying thing is roosters don't just cock-a-doodle-do at dawn. It is at noon 6:30 whenever.

Another fun chicken fact. hoolie

Anonymous said...

Be careful... do not let Michelle know too much about this, she may want a chicken or two, then. Afterall, you have space in the car port.